Cross Selling – The Secret Of Personal Trainer Marketing and Physical Therapy Private Practice

There are always other add-on products or services you can recommend to your patients, similar to the McDonald’s approach of ‘would you like fries with that?’

Ideally, a successful clinic should have more than one source of revenue. Reimbursement from insurance companies should be a part of the revenue stream. The more income sources you have, the greater your chance to dominate in personal training and physical therapy private practice marketing in your area.

Consider providing a ‘membership’ to your clinic for patients who would like to come in and exercise on their own. Request the patient to sign a release of liability form, since they will not have the direct supervision of the physical therapist during the course of their membership.

Arrange for automatic billing of the patient’s credit card. This can be as simple way of adding $20-$30 a month from each patient. Hire a nutritionist to visit your clinic two to three times a week and encourage your patients to consult with the nutritionist for healthy meal planning.

This is an instant source of cash-based revenue for your clinic. You can also recommend over-the-counter nutritional supplements, if you feel comfortable. You might even form a strategic alliance from a massage therapist, who will function as your employee in your facility.

Cross selling is easier said than done. It’s as simple and effective mechanism to boost revenue, but is overlooked by most therapists. I suggest you make a checklist so you and your staff remember to offer the cross sells and up sells to patients early on in the treatment process.

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